

Ok so I'm sitting here at work and you all probably know the feeling when you first get a blog!!! You just want to tell everyone something. But I havn't had nothing to tell so far until now. I'm going to leave my company and start my own business. If you know me you might be thinking wow, he will never make it. But it's something i have always loved to do. I really want to know if you think I should do this. I'm kind of scared but it just feels like its the thing I should do. I'm not getting any younger and its now or never. Please give me ideas on what I should name my company and any other advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again, and o yea dont be afraid to comment me, even if I dont know you> JON


Megan Bernstein said...

Hello JON, My names megan and thanks I guess for the criticism on my life. I do have dreams for your information. I want to run atleast 10 marathons before I turn 40. Hows that for aspiration. Well you seem like a very interesting person. As for your business, you should name it Megandesigning after me!!! HaHa Jk . well good luck with your new business. If you need an employee, that makes over $100,00, tell me. LOL. O and by the way you owe me a favor. I'm the first one to comment you. I Hope your happy now. *Megan*

Shae said...

Good Luck. Don' look back, just keep looking forward. It won't be easy but it will be worth it!