
Good Morning!!!

Ok so I know it's been a few days since I have written a new post but I have been under the weather for a litle bit and could not stay on the computer long enough to think of some things from my boring life to say. I've decided that i'm going to name my dog Pookus!!!! I dont know why or how I got the name but it just came to me and he is now officially known as Pookus. He's still so interesting. You would think that after a few days I might start getting bored of him just a little bit but no. I wake up every morning and just smile and go play with him. He gave me comfort when I was sick. Dogs truly are mans best friend. I was checking my email earlier today and good news, I won $1,000,000!!!!! I wish. Why do people waste there time sending other people stupid spam mail. It's so annoying. I wonder if anybody has ever believed something like that and really thought they won something. Well i'm feeling better but I gotta get back to work because i'm now a little behind. Take Care everyone! -JON

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