
Isnt he beautiful!!!!

OK so i went to a puppy store and as soon as I saw him i fell in love. Hes the cutest little bulldog puppy ever. If you dont agree then you are not a human. I dont know what I should name him yet though, so any suggestions would be much appreciated. I picked him up on saturday and these last two days have been so fun. He sleeps with me and he's already potty trained. He loves to play with chew toys and take many short naps. 15 minutes on 15 minutes off is how he does life. Today has been so slow, and I think it's mostly because i'm so excited to see him when I get home. He is so adorable. Well to all of you out there reading, go to hell, haha jk. -JON

1 comment:

Shae said...

He is soooooo cute!!!!!! I love puppies!

But keep your shoes out of reach because puppies (even the best trained, best behaved ones) love to chew shoes. My dog ate my roommates Italian leather shoes. Ate them. Gone. Only the sole left behind as evidence there ever were shoes. And I have the bill to prove it.