

Hey, did you all miss me. Well I had a pretty fun weekend this past week. I woke up early saturday morning and went hunting ducks with a guy from work. After missing about a million ducks we decided to do a little afternoon fishing. Later in the evening I went out with the same guy to a club. At first I was sort of embarassed to be at a club with a bunch of 20 to 25 year olds, dancing away, but I finally got my grove back and it became extremely fun. We danced till about 2 in the morning, after which we went back to a ladys house and had some extremely good cake. She had put so much frosting on it. It was great. I later found out that she owned a cake shop. I met many new friends and it was pretty fun to act young again. On sunday I went to the new movie tropic thunder. It was great. Jack black plays an actor thats going through drug problems. I wont spoil the movie for you but make sure you check it out. I need someones opinion. Do you think its ok for me to be clubbing? I cant get it out of my head. I feel way to old. I know i'm not but i feel i should be slowing down and getting a g/f or a wife. Please someoen tell me i'm not to old to do this. -JON


Megan Bernstein said...

Hello Jon, I like your poll you left out because me and my cousin were just talking about that. I think he should have gone. The olympics is probably the only time where all these countries show peace towards one another and its probably a great oppurtunity for world leaders to meet and discuss peace, but hey what do i know. And no of course your not too old to have a good time. I feel that way sometimes too but just live life while ya still can. *Megan*

Megan Bernstein said...

Okay jon, I just dont know how your not married. You seriously are one sexy sun bitch!!!! Okay now im embarassed. *Megan*

P.S. Your not gay right?

Anonymous said...

I think he is gay! There is no way that he is straight and not married! Jonust come out of the closet!