
Republican/Democrat, I dont think so!!!

Ok, so lets talk politics. Lately I have been watching the conventions on t.v. and I have to say i'm not impressed with either one. Neither of them even come close to what Ralph Nader would do for the country. He would be a better president then McCain and Obama put together. The man knows his stuff. He's very intelligent. I didnt always feel this way until I watched an interview with him. The mans a freaking genious. Some of his ideas are so advanced that I believe if he was elected president, he would do such great things that america would let him stay longer than two terms. I want you all reading this to think about the best president America has ever had. Ok got one in mine? Now let me tell you that whoever that president is that your thinking about would not even come close to how great a president Ralph would be. Since were on the topic though, I just want to say what a brave man Harry S. Truman was. He was as fearless as the sun. He truly did drop bombs. George Washington seemed to be a pretty good president too. I like him. Well for those of you democrats and republicans, stop being ignorant and vote Ralph Nader for president. It will be the best choice you have ever made!!!

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