
My majestic Weekend!!!

Ok so I had a pretty unusual but entertaining weekend. I woke up early Saturday morning and went running. The weather was dark and gloomy, but it made me very cheerful. I ran through the park and it smelled absolutely amazing like morning rain. Isn't it crazy that you can smell rain. I love reading books and when an author says it smelled like rain I can instantly think of the smell of rain. I went home and called some of the guys over. We had an Alien Marathon and spent the rest of the afternoon watching the series. We were going to go out to eat but it started raining ferociously and we decided to order pizza. The poor pizza delivery boy was drenched when he came to the door. We invited him in to eat pizza and have drinks with us, but the young man turned us down. I guess 4 middle aged men weren't cool enough for a teenager to hang out with, or hopefully it was just that he had to work. Anyways, the weather just got worse and worse so we sort of had an adult sleep over. I took Pookus to the vet Sunday afternoon and made sure he had all his shots and everything. I saw the cutest little puppies there getting shots. Afterwords we went to the store and bought some dog food and some pet supplies. I found out that little dogs love to chew on just about anything. Luckily he hasnt ruined anything expensive, yet!!! My friends talked me into signing up for a dating online service and well hopefully I can get matched with somebody. I havn't had no takers yet but hopefully soon. I hope this isn't desperate. I'm just looking to have fun, or get married for the rest of my life, either one. Well for those of you that are family members or if you want to be a part of my family we are having the annual reunion this Saturday night at Brandi's house at 7. Bring your favorite dish if you want to come. JK!!! No but really you can if you want to, I sure wont mind. Hope to see you all there. -JON


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What is the address to Brandi's? I must have missplaced it again. Silly me!

Anonymous said...

oh Jon- I am soo excited for the annual reunion! Does Brandi still live in the family compound? Can't wait to see you there- we will be bringing the babies!